Certified Livestock Manager Training
Manure from large livestock and poultry farms can be an asset as an organic fertilizer when handled and recycled properly. It can also be the largest liability for a farm if handled incorrectly. The Ohio Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a 1-day Certified Livestock Manager Training session for any farmer, producer, or custom applicator who needs Certified Livestock Manager continuing education units or those who just want to learn more about best manure management practices. As nutrient management (whether with manure, commercial fertilizer, biosolids, etc.) and water quality remain at the forefront of concern for both agriculture, environmentalists, and the public, education is a key component to making the right decisions in the field.
- This one-day training will cover topics such as nutrient management, water quality issues, record keeping practices, manure technology and equipment , spill response, and a review of the rules and regulations concerning manure handling.
- Individuals attending this training will receive 5.0 hours of continuing education units toward a Certified Livestock Manager certification.
Who should attend?
- Anyone who buys, sells, land applies or transports manure who wants to learn more about best management practices.
- Owners and operators of any size or type of animal feeding facility.
- Anyone needing Certified Livestock Manager continuing education units.
Paulding County Ohio State University Extension, 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879
Certification Requirements
To receive Certified Livestock Manager certification through the Ohio Department of Agriculture, a farmer or custom applicator must acquire 10 hours of continuing education units, complete the Certified Livestock Manager application and submit the $50 application fee payable to: Ohio Department of Agriculture. For more information, visit our web site at: www.agri.ohio.gov/divs/dlep/dlep.aspx and click on “Licensing Requirements”.
Make Checks Payable to:
Registration Deadline: July 28th, 2017
Cost: $30.00
Registration fee includes lunch and presentation materials.
Note: The registration fee only includes the training and does not count as a CLM application or include the fee required to be certified as a CLM.