If the exhibitor designates the Rabbit or Poultry exhibit to go through the livestock auction, the exhibitor will be given a direct price plus premium bid for the animal and it will be sent directly to the packer. NO rabbits or poultry will go home with the exhibitor unless the destination of the animal is Home.
- Any product, which changes, enhances or alters the natural color of an animal, will not be permitted. Including but not limited to paints, dye, powder, non-clear adhesive and foam or show polish.
- Any animal disqualified for altering of appearance results in the disqualification of exhibitor’s entire entry. Dying, plucking of colored hairs so as to be noticeable missing, trimming or clipping so as to alter markings, coloring toenails, any faking: including powdering and indiscriminate use of grooming preparations designed to alter the natural condition or appearance.
1. This is not an American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) sanctioned show; however, ARBA rules will be followed as closely as possible.
2. Market rabbits must have a legible tattoo or marking in the left ear that will be included on the entry form, and will be recorded by the superintendent.
3. Absolutely NO rabbits shall be removed or switched unless permission granted.
4. All meat pen and fryer rabbits must be tattooed May 16th or 17th. If you do not attend Rabbit Tattooing you will not be about to exhibit at the Paulding County Fair.
5. Meat pens shall consist of three rabbits, all of the same breed and variety. Broken meat pens must also be of the same variety. A meat pen does not necessarily have to come from the same litter.
6. The doe and litter class must have babies between 5-6 weeks of age. Must bring the Doe.
7. Rabbits will be judged in the show arena with only the exhibitor, judge and the superintendents in the judging area.
8. Parents and other observers will sit in the bleachers. Adult questions for judges must wait until after the show.
9. Exhibitor may not lease or borrow rabbits for their project and show.
10. If the animal makes weight the first time across the scale it is not permitted to re-weigh. If the animal doesn’t make weight you have 30 minutes from the time you went across the scale to re-weigh the animal ONCE to try to meet minimum or maximum weight standards. Animals must remain in their designated animal species area.
11. Once the weight classes have been posted for each species there are NO adjustments or changes.
PRIVATE SALE OF RABBITS: All rabbits sold must have been entered and shown in the Junior Fair Rabbit Show. Advertising will not be permitted on any rabbit pens during the duration of the fair.
Section A: Showmanship
700 A1 Sr. Showmanship
700 A2 Jr. Showmanship
700 A3 Beginner Showmanship
700 A4 Pee Wee Showmanship
700 A5 Champion of Champion Showmanship
Section B: Market Classes
700 B1 Single Fryer Class
700 B2 Meat Pen of Rabbits
Section C: 6 Class Breeds
700 C1 Senior Buck
700 C2 Senior Doe
700 C3 Intermediate Buck
700 C4 Intermediate Doe
700 C5 Junior Buck
700 C6 Junior Doe
700 C7 Grand Champion 6 Class
700 C8 Best Opposite 6 Class
Section D: 4 Class Breeds
700 D1 Senior Buck
700 D2 Senior Doe
700 D3 Junior Buck
700 D4 Junior Doe
700 D5 Grand Champion 4 Class
700 D6 Best Opposite 4 Class
Section E: 4 and 6 Class Breeds
700 E1 Doe and Litter
700 E2 Best Mixed Breed Rabbit
700 E3 Best of Show, All Breeds
700 E4 Best Opposite, All Breeds
RABBIT TATTOOS: All meat pens and single fryers must be tattooed with the Paulding County Jr. Fair tattoo. It is recommended that these animals be sold at the Livestock Sale. Rabbits tattooed this year may not be shown in next year’s show as meat pens, single fryers or breeding stock. Rabbit meat pens or single fryers that did not sell at the current year fair are not eligible to show at any county fair in the future. (The intent is to slaughter all meat pens and single fryer and not use as breeding stock.)
- Single Fryer: A single rabbit used for meat production that is no more than 70 days old at Fair on show day and shall weigh between 3.5-5 lbs. This rabbit should be sold during the Jr. Fair Livestock Sale.
- Meat Pen: Meat pens shall consist of three rabbits, all of the same breed and variety. Broken meat pens must also be of the same variety. A meat pen does not necessarily have to come from the same litter. Age must not exceed 70 days. Meat pens should be sold during the livestock sale. A meat pen only counts as one trip through the sale ring.
- Doe and Litter class: Must have bunnies between 5-6 weeks of age. Must bring the Doe.
- Buck: Male
- Doe: Female
The following three (6 class) classes are based on weight and age. Weight takes precedence over age. Therefore the entry may be “bumped” to another class depending on the weight of the rabbit at weigh-in. See the current “Standard of Perfection” for your breed regulations. OSU Extension Office has a copy of this book. Juniors and Intermediates which exceed maximum weight limits MAY BE shown in higher age classifications. NO animal may be shown in a lower age classification than its true age.
1. Junior Buck or Doe: Rabbit less than six months at time of fair.
2. Intermediate Buck or Doe: Rabbit is between 6-8 months of age at time of fair.
3. Senior Buck or Doe: Rabbit is over 8 months of age or over at time of fair.
Making an Entry: Individual entries are based on the rabbit’s age, breed and weight. You must know if your rabbit is a 4 class or a 6 class breed. Refer to the list of breeds sent with livestock entry forms. Example: If you have a 4 class breed that is 5 months old, you would enter the 4 Class Junior Buck or Doe. 4 Class Breed: These are typically the smaller rabbit breeds. These animals are usually not used for meat production. 6 Class breed: These are larger rabbit breeds typically used for meat production. Please refer to the list of breeds sent with the livestock entry form to determine if you have a 4 or 6 class breed.
- Grand Champion Meat Pen (Trophy/Rosette)
- Reserve Champion Meat Pen (Trophy/Rosette)
- Grand Champion Single Fryer (Trophy/Rosette)
- Reserve Champion Single Fryer (Trophy/Rosette)
- Grand Champion 4-Class (Trophy/Rosette)
- Best Opposite 4-Class (Trophy/Rosette)
- Grand Champion 6-Class (Trophy/Rosette)
- Best Opposite 6-Class (Trophy/Rosette)
- Best of Breed (in 6 top breeds) (Trophy/Rosette)
- Best of Show (of all breeds) (Trophy/Rosette)
- Junior Showmanship (Trophy/Rosette)
- Senior Showmanship (Trophy/Rosette)
- Champion of Champion Showmanship (Trophy/Rosette)
- Best Mixed Breed Rabbit (Rosette)