Agriculture is an inherently stressful endeavor. Those involved in agriculture face challenges and uncertainties due to weather, commodity prices, markets, debt, illness and injuries, animal and crop health, and many other issues each and every day.
Below are a few fact sheets and resources developed by fellow land grant universities on the topic of Managing Farm Stress. These resources are also used in two workshops created by Michigan State University and delivered by OSU Extension:
Communicating with Farmers Under Stress, a 90 to the 120-minute workshop for agricultural professionals who work with farmers and their families.
Weathering the Storm in Agriculture: How to Cultivate a Productive Mindset, a 30-60 minute workshop presented to farmers and their families.
If you are interested in hosting a farm stress workshop for agriculture professionals or farmers and their families, please contact the extension office at 419-399-8225 or by email at for additional information. We are happy to deliver these programs in all counties across Ohio.
Farm Stress Management Resources
- Stress (MSU)
- How Stress Affects You (MSU)
- Youth Farm Stress (MSU)
- My Coping Strategies Plan (NDSU and K-State)
- My Action Plan (MSU)
- My Farming Resource Network (NDSU and K-State)
- How to Cultivate a Productive Mindset (MSU)
- A Five-Step Approach to Alleviating Farm Stress (SDSU)
- Opioids in Rural Farming Communities (MSU)
- Risk Management: Selecting Insurance (MSU)
- Net Worth (MSU)
- Understanding Credit and Debt (MSU)
- Turning Personal Skills into Income (MSU)
- Creating a Spending Plan (MSU)
- Coping with Grief after Losing the Farm (MSU)
- How to Talk to Farmers Under Stress (MSU)
- Responding to Distressed People (NDSU)